Category: Guitar Making

Guitar #106 | Day 8 | Attaching the Soundboard, Slotting the Fretboard, Bending Bindings

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I glue the soundboard to the sides, discuss different options for the fingerboard, and talk about bending ebony binding strips in the side bending machine. 🔴 All episodes available at 🔴 Register

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Q&A | Will I Build Enough Guitars Before I Die, Preventing Split Tops, The Cube Rule

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I answer YOUR QUESTIONS! 🔴 All episodes available at 🔴 Register for an 9 day Hands-On Guitar Building Workshop in Bernville, Pennsylvania: 🔴 Check out the online course “Building an OM

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Guitar #106 | Day 7 | Fitting and Gluing the Backplate

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I discuss how to mark out and cut the notches for the brace ends into the rimset using a set of Dremel tools. Then we talk about installing labels on the back and

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Guitar #106 | Day 6 | Carving Back Braces and Installing Kerfing

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I discuss the backplate and my process for tapering the brace ends and for installing caps over the lap joints. I also talk about side braces and about kerfing installation and radiusing of

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Guitar #106 | Day 5 | Voicing the Soundboard

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I talk generally about the process of carving and voicing the top braces and how beginners should approach the process, among other tips and tricks presented as I go over what was done

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Guitar #106 | Day 4 | Soundboard Bracing

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I discuss the installation of the soundboard braces and give a detailed overview of the various functions of the braces, plates and grafts and how they work together to encourage specific modal movements

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Guitar #106 | Day 3 | Lattice Bracing the Back Plate

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I talk about cutting the 4 lap joints and creating an incredibly tight fit for a lattice and installing it on the back plate. 🔴 All episodes available at 🔴 Register for

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Guitar #106 | Day 2 | Installing the Rosette, Neckblock and Endblock, Side Bracing

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I talk about contouring the neck and tailblock and the installation of these critical elements. I also talk about installing the radial rosette that I made for David’s guitar, and lastly I reveal

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Guitar #106 | Day 1 | Making the Rosette, Joining the Back, Bending Sides

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I demonstrate my process for bookmatching the backplate, I talk about the role of sapwood in the design, I bend the sides, and I make a radial rosette using the radial rosette maker

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8 Tips for a Better Neck Fit

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I give you 8 tips to improve your neck fit for an accurate alignment with the bridge location and a more seamless look at the neck to body joint. 🔴 All episodes available

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