Q&A | What has the Greatest Impact on Tone, 16 Fret Guitars, Parlor Plans, Fixing a Sunken Backplate

In this episode of DIY Guitar Making, I’m answering YOUR questions on the element of guitar making that most influences the tone, adjusting neck to body joint dimensions, sourcing guitar plans, fixing a sunken backplate and more!

🔴 All episodes available at diyguitarmaking.com

🔴 Register for an 9 day Hands-On Guitar Building Workshop in Bernville, Pennsylvania: https://www.ericschaeferguitars.com/learn-to-build-your-own-guitar/

🔴 Check out the online course “Building an OM Acoustic”: https://www.ericschaeferguitars.com/course/building-an-om-acoustic/

🔴 See Eric’s Available Instruments: https://www.ericschaeferguitars.com/available-instruments/

🔴 Check out the Radial Rosette Maker Jig: https://www.ericschaeferguitars.com/the-radial-rosette-maker-kit/

Posted in All, Design, Guitar Making, Guitar Repair, Q & A, Tools, Uncategorized, Videos
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